Sunday, February 12, 2012

The book review.

I would like to share my feelings about the Theodore Dreiser's book, Sister Carrie. This story is about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her dreams. The plot of the story centers on describing evolution and degradation of humans soul and personality.

Dissatisfied with her life young 18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago. where her older sister Minnie, and her husband Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in. On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman, who is attracted to her because of her simple beauty and unspoiled manner. They exchanged their contacts and after a few weeks Carrie complains Drouet about the poor conditions and negative atmosphere in her relatives house. Salesman saves her from this hell and from a hard work, which is really backbreaking for her.
By the time Drouet introduces Carrie to George Hurstwood, the manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's – a respectable bar that Drouet describes as a "swell place". After that acquaintance her life changes dramatically...

I thoughtfully enjoyed this work. I admire main heroine for her courage and willpower, her positive attitude to a ruthless world around her no matter what happens, her wish to move along resist everything that life offers her, her desire to try something new. I really like how author makes antagonists resist each other, although trying to find similarity in their characters. I am really impressed by this novel and I can't say a word of criticism about it.

All in all, I recommend everyone to read this book, even if you are not a fan of this author, because it describes vital situations, which could meet us in our own lifes. It may help you to live through some crisis and realize that everything in your own hands.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Tänapaevases täiesti hullu tempoga elus stress - on see, mis mõjutab meid iga päev. Stress on inimese organismi vastus vaevanõudvale või ähvardavale situatsioonile. Kõige sagedamini stress ootab just meid, õpilasi ja üliõpilasi. Koolis õppides te saaksite tihti kuulda kaebusi pea- ja kõhuvalude, higipeopesade peale. See juhtub kui pead mõned eksamid sooritada või lihtasalt ei oleme mõneks tööks valmis, võivad ilmuda ka isiklikud probleemid sõpradega või sugulastega. Kõik see takistab keskendumist.
Aga mitte kõik õpilased tunnevad suurt ülekoormust või stressi. Minul ei vedanud, seepärast olen üks liiga närvilistest. Ja tahaksin teiega jagama kuidas mina ise stressiga toime tulen.
Kõigepealt räägin natuke sellest, mis stressi tekitab. Selle vältides te saate ennast paremini tunda. Siin on mõned nõuanned.
Tee võimalikult ainult seda milles sa kindel oled. Õpi lükata ettepanekuid, millega sa ei saa hakkama. Tee endale vahetunde, jaluta natuke või maga, käi trenni, kuula natuke lemmikmuusikat. Proovi toituda paremini, väldi suitsetamist ja alkoholi tarbimist. Räägi oma sõbrale või vanematele oma mõttetest ja hirmudest. Ja kindlasti püüa teha üks kõik millised absurdsed stressisituatsioonid naeruks. Naer vähendab stressi.