Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Et normaalselt elada, tuleb võtta pangast laenu.

Ma ei ole selle väitega üldse nõus. Vastupidi, arvan, et laenuta elamine on palju mõnusam ja rahulikum. Kui sinu raha kuulub ainult sinule ja sinu perekonnale elu muutub malju lihtsamaks ja sundimatuks.
Isiklikult minu arvates ainult pangast ja võlast vaba elu võib olla tõesti meeldiv. Kuid sinu niisugune vabadus sõltub sinu palgast ja eelkõige sinu haridusest. Mõned inimesed ei teeni palju ja nad saavad lubada endale mõningaid väikesi liialdusi ainult laenute kaudu. Loomulikult ma saan nendest aru. Ei saa loobuda igast elu lõbust, kui sul praegu raha ei ole. Aga inimestele, kes täna elavad üle mõned raskused ma soovitaks leida endas oskust rõõmustada väikeste asjade pärast, see on tasuta ja kasvatab teil kõlblust ja häid, suurt hinge. Arvan ka, et peale laenu võtmist tuleb hästi kõik läbi mõelda. Sa pead ette arvestama sellega, kui palju aastat sa oma laenu tagasi annad. Elu on muutlik ja äraarvamatu, mõnikord inimestega juhtuvad hädad ja pärast nende sugulased annavad neid laenu pangale tagasi. See ju ei ole õiglane. Mõtlen, et keegi ei taha oma lähedast tülitada ja ülekoormata.
Küsimus on selles, kas sa oled nii vastutusvõtlik, et saad oma laenutega hakkama või ei ole.

Monday, September 17, 2012

One day my family decided to move to another town. I was really excited about that. New place, new people that is what I needed that moment. With no doubts I can call myself a self-confident girl, that is why I was pretty sure that I will not have problems with striking up a relations with my new classmates. The first day was so common that will not even describe this. Everyone was friendly and and helpful and I exchanged phone numbers and other contact information with a lot of people this day.
When I came home I felt tired, but satisfied with overpast day and started chatting with my new acquaintances. Suddenly, some handsome guy posted me a message not so unusual, but certainly not just polite.
N: ''Where do you live?''
Me: ''Opposite Matthews house. You?''
N: ''Opposite Matthews house.''
Me: ''No way! You are a liar.''
N: ''Wow, that’s heartless, calling me a liar.''
Me: ''Oh, I have a heart. I’m not sure about you though.''
N: '''BRB.''
Two minutes later, my on-door speakerphone rings, and it is him telling me to go outside. I can see him walking up to me. Then he stops near me and pulls out a stethoscope. He puts the earpieces on me and points the listening part to his heart to let me listen to his heartbeats. I listen for a couple of seconds.
N: ''Can you hear it? Do you still think I’m heartless?''
Now we are 18 months together. Studying in the same university and planning our future together. After a while he confessed that he is so glad that his family kept the stethoscope in the car.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The goals of my life.

It is not so easy for me to talk about the purposes of my life, because I am a fickle person and today my opinion may be different from tomorrow one. But anyway I can still try to formulate the main goals.

At first, I want to get at least one humanitarian high education and after that I would like to find an interesting suitable work that just matches special features of mine. Personally I do not want to be famous I just want to figure out who I am and do what I like best and what comes out easily and pleasantly.
Further, I want to bring something into our world. Cause I know that I am not genius and I will not be a an inventor of some useful things and will not develope theories and establish equations such as Albert Einstein. But I guess I can still bring valuable use.
And the last, but not the least thing that I want to be part of is a happy family. I may seem quite idealistic, but I would like respect, understanding and honesty to reign among all the family members.

My findings must be predictable, but that is what I am, and that is what I want. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Arranged marriages. (p. 9 ex. 7)

My attitude to that kind of relationship is quite ambiguous. I am not completely for either against that. I suppose that it depends on persons beliefs and opinions the moment they decide to strike up an arranged relationship or marriage. It often depends on experiences or may be frustrating relations in the past.
At first, I want to mention advantages. If you choose your partner only using your mind, he or she is more likely to be reliable. It is very important especially if you are working together. The second thing is that it is much easier for couple like that to solve their problems. They are not driven by a strong emotions, they always can keep their head cool and get as much benifits as they can from the situation happened.
But unfortunately, when your marriage is arranged, you are certainly deprived that special moments that happen only between loving couple. That all-the-time thinking about your partner, that feelings overfilling your heart and soul. But sometimes relations based on emotions hurt too much. 

So that is for you to decide what kind of sacrifice you want to make material or an emotional one.