Lp. kaupluse juhataja,
Ostsin 2,12,11 uued mustad seemisnahast kingad teie kauplusest hinnaga 250€. Kahe nädala jooksul kõik oli korras. Aga ühel õhtul jäin vihma kätte ja kingad läksid kohe katki ja pealisnahk oli ära rikutud. Kui paar päeva tagasi tulin kauplusesse loodes oma raha tagasi saada, müüa oli valmis ainult kinke vahetada ja palus, kui niisugune probleemi lahendus ei soobi, pöörduda kaebusega teie juurde. Arvan, et niisuguse kõrge hinna eest, peab olema ka toode kvaliteet kõrgemal tasemel.
Pakk Valeria
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Kadunud lemmikloom.
28. novembril on kaduma läinud ilus kolmekuune kassipoeg. Tema täpne tõugu nimetus on Šotimaa Lontkõrvaline. Kassipoeg on peaaegu täiesti must ja pikakarvaline, aga tema eriline tunnusmärk on valged kulmud. Tema kaela ümber peab olema kaelarihm mille peal on välja kujutatud liilia ja kirjutatud tema peremehe kodune aadress ja telefoni number. Ta on iseloomust rahutu ja üleannetu, seepärast pole fakt, et ta laseb ennast kinni võtta. Aga kui te võib olla juhuslikult näete sarnast looma helistage palun telefonile: 58771814.
Igatsen oma lemmiklooma järele väga ja loodan veel, et ta tuleb tagasi teie abil.
Lugupidamisega Pakk Valeria.
28. novembril on kaduma läinud ilus kolmekuune kassipoeg. Tema täpne tõugu nimetus on Šotimaa Lontkõrvaline. Kassipoeg on peaaegu täiesti must ja pikakarvaline, aga tema eriline tunnusmärk on valged kulmud. Tema kaela ümber peab olema kaelarihm mille peal on välja kujutatud liilia ja kirjutatud tema peremehe kodune aadress ja telefoni number. Ta on iseloomust rahutu ja üleannetu, seepärast pole fakt, et ta laseb ennast kinni võtta. Aga kui te võib olla juhuslikult näete sarnast looma helistage palun telefonile: 58771814.
Igatsen oma lemmiklooma järele väga ja loodan veel, et ta tuleb tagasi teie abil.
Lugupidamisega Pakk Valeria.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Reply to "Mixed up"
Dear Mixed up,
To begin with, I advice you to have a honest conversation with your parents. In addition, you have to be sure about Gloria and boldly with no doubts show this to your parents. You should sincerely explain your feelings and ask them politely to accept her. Tell them that they are the closest persons to you and they are the ones, who should understand you and respect your choice.
Moreover, you have to say that it is an important step for you and you do not want to spoil your relationship with them. Try to understand their opinion too and, futhermore, be diplomatic, find the compromise. Consider not only your opinion, but theirs too, because it is hard to every parent to realize, that your erstwhile little child is a grown-up with his own aspirations and demands.
More importantly, introduce Gloria to your parents. I guess it will be interesting and important for each side, even though there will appear some incomprehension it will definitely be useful. Either Gloria or parents will find out a lot of new things about you. And I hope that, finally, all of them will understand that in spite of all differences they have one linking part and it is love for you.
Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria
To begin with, I advice you to have a honest conversation with your parents. In addition, you have to be sure about Gloria and boldly with no doubts show this to your parents. You should sincerely explain your feelings and ask them politely to accept her. Tell them that they are the closest persons to you and they are the ones, who should understand you and respect your choice.
Moreover, you have to say that it is an important step for you and you do not want to spoil your relationship with them. Try to understand their opinion too and, futhermore, be diplomatic, find the compromise. Consider not only your opinion, but theirs too, because it is hard to every parent to realize, that your erstwhile little child is a grown-up with his own aspirations and demands.
More importantly, introduce Gloria to your parents. I guess it will be interesting and important for each side, even though there will appear some incomprehension it will definitely be useful. Either Gloria or parents will find out a lot of new things about you. And I hope that, finally, all of them will understand that in spite of all differences they have one linking part and it is love for you.
Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Historically, men were the hunters and women homemakers. It should stay like that.
Historically, men were the hunters and woman homemakers. Should it stay like that? In my personal opinion it should not. We live in 21st century and it would be a great mistake if we lived nowadays like in a Stone Age. I suppose the priority of men's and women's role has changed with time and it is a normal process.
Today, woman are capable to do a lot of work in a line with man. I would say that woman can do any kind of work except several, which are connected with great physical exertion. I may seem a little bit feminist, but I consider woman as much more patient, executive and responsible, than man. But still women should not forget about their true mission, about the family that they should seek to make to be a real woman not a parody.
We also have some problems with the first place in a relationship. In this kind of situation woman has to be cunning and let her man feel the first and feel like a hunter in family. If it is such an important thing for them, so, let them think so.
As you could notice woman, nowadays, are very similar to man. And it a serious problem too. It is a really bad idea to perceive a man (of course, who you are in a relationship with) as a competitor. Let him be main. Woman should stay woman. It is not simple, but sometimes so pleasant.
To sum up I would say I think that the role, equality and priority between man and woman depends on weaker sex. We have no an exact scheme of relationship in modern life. Today's world is more democratic than it used to be in the past. So, you can always try and find your own way.
Today, woman are capable to do a lot of work in a line with man. I would say that woman can do any kind of work except several, which are connected with great physical exertion. I may seem a little bit feminist, but I consider woman as much more patient, executive and responsible, than man. But still women should not forget about their true mission, about the family that they should seek to make to be a real woman not a parody.
We also have some problems with the first place in a relationship. In this kind of situation woman has to be cunning and let her man feel the first and feel like a hunter in family. If it is such an important thing for them, so, let them think so.
As you could notice woman, nowadays, are very similar to man. And it a serious problem too. It is a really bad idea to perceive a man (of course, who you are in a relationship with) as a competitor. Let him be main. Woman should stay woman. It is not simple, but sometimes so pleasant.
To sum up I would say I think that the role, equality and priority between man and woman depends on weaker sex. We have no an exact scheme of relationship in modern life. Today's world is more democratic than it used to be in the past. So, you can always try and find your own way.
Elukoha kirjeldus.
Mulle väga meeldib oma elukoht. See on tavaline, silmatorkamatu üheksakorruseline elumaja Lasnamäel. Ja paljudele inimestele ei meeldi linnaosa, kus ta asub. Aga mina olen juba harjunud vaadelda aknast mitte maalilist, aga armsat vaadet, kuna ma elan siin sünnimisest.
Mu korter asub viiendal korrusel ja kui vaatan aknast välja siis võin näha iga puude tippe. Korter on kolmetoaline ja hiljuti seal oli tehtud ilus remont modern stiilis. Minu arvates ta on avar, hubane ja piisavalt valgustatud. Iga tuba on tehtud oma erilises värvugammis. Jutustan aga ainult oma elutoast. Ta tõesti avaldab mitu minu iseloomujoont ja jutustab palju ka ja minu elustiilist. Kõigepealt minu toa värvukombinatsioon on esimesel pilgul natuke imelik. Kõik sisustus ja rula on sinist värvi ja tapeedid on terrakotapunast värvi. See ütleb minu vastukäivast iseloomust. Toas on alati korralagedus ja mitte sellepärast, et ma ei taha oma tuba korda teha, aga sellepäst, et selles kaosis mul on palju kergem orienteeruda, kui hoolikalt korda tehtud ruumis. Nurgas mul asub raamaturiiul, kus on palju raamatuid, põhiliselt vene ja välismaa klassikaline kirjandus. Riiuli taha asuvad kaks vitsu mida ma kasutasin, kui tegelisin iluvõimlemisega. Ja riiuli kõrval on minu suur kirjutuslaud arvutiga, mis on igasuguseid pabereid ja õpikuid täis.
Ühesõnaga ma armastan oma elupaika ja ei tahaks seda varsti vahetada, võib olla mõne aja pärast ainult mingid üksikasjad sees muuta, et vaheldust tooma.
Mu korter asub viiendal korrusel ja kui vaatan aknast välja siis võin näha iga puude tippe. Korter on kolmetoaline ja hiljuti seal oli tehtud ilus remont modern stiilis. Minu arvates ta on avar, hubane ja piisavalt valgustatud. Iga tuba on tehtud oma erilises värvugammis. Jutustan aga ainult oma elutoast. Ta tõesti avaldab mitu minu iseloomujoont ja jutustab palju ka ja minu elustiilist. Kõigepealt minu toa värvukombinatsioon on esimesel pilgul natuke imelik. Kõik sisustus ja rula on sinist värvi ja tapeedid on terrakotapunast värvi. See ütleb minu vastukäivast iseloomust. Toas on alati korralagedus ja mitte sellepärast, et ma ei taha oma tuba korda teha, aga sellepäst, et selles kaosis mul on palju kergem orienteeruda, kui hoolikalt korda tehtud ruumis. Nurgas mul asub raamaturiiul, kus on palju raamatuid, põhiliselt vene ja välismaa klassikaline kirjandus. Riiuli taha asuvad kaks vitsu mida ma kasutasin, kui tegelisin iluvõimlemisega. Ja riiuli kõrval on minu suur kirjutuslaud arvutiga, mis on igasuguseid pabereid ja õpikuid täis.
Ühesõnaga ma armastan oma elupaika ja ei tahaks seda varsti vahetada, võib olla mõne aja pärast ainult mingid üksikasjad sees muuta, et vaheldust tooma.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Letter.
Mrs Sarah Jones
20 Red Street
London GT1 5EU
November 6th 2011
Dear Sarah,
Thank you so much for coming to our school to give a talk about the culture of Great Britain. It was really interesting and cognitive for our pupils, and I have no doubt that this knowledge will be useful for them in the future.
I am writing to tell you that you left you case with some documents in our school wardrobe. Recently I have found that and I wanted to inform you about the loss at once, but I have not got the right contacts of yours. I have therefore tried to telephone you on several occasions, but the number you gave us did not work. I also sent an email for your email address, but I did not get the reply, so after a couple of days I decided to use a post, hoping that way to get a connection with you.
I would be grateful if you could get in touch with me on telephone number or email as soon as you can.
Yours sincerely,
Valeria Pakk
20 Red Street
London GT1 5EU
November 6th 2011
Dear Sarah,
Thank you so much for coming to our school to give a talk about the culture of Great Britain. It was really interesting and cognitive for our pupils, and I have no doubt that this knowledge will be useful for them in the future.
I am writing to tell you that you left you case with some documents in our school wardrobe. Recently I have found that and I wanted to inform you about the loss at once, but I have not got the right contacts of yours. I have therefore tried to telephone you on several occasions, but the number you gave us did not work. I also sent an email for your email address, but I did not get the reply, so after a couple of days I decided to use a post, hoping that way to get a connection with you.
I would be grateful if you could get in touch with me on telephone number or email as soon as you can.
Yours sincerely,
Valeria Pakk
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
С самого детства меня интересовали люди. Уже в то время, хоть ещё и неосознанно, я начала понимать, что человек - это очень интересный объект для изучения. Мне всегда хотелось знать наиболее точно, как отреагирует тот или иной человек на моё действие? От чего зависел его поступок? Что мотивировало его совершить данное действие? Каковы будут последствия? И, наконец, возможно ли это каким-то образом регулировать? Пользуясь всеми возможными источниками я искала ответы на свои вопросы. Рассматривала такие понятия как астрология, социология, психология, даже хиромантия, физиогномика, история значения имени и многое другое. С чем я только не столкнулась в своих поисках. Но ни одно из этих наук и понятий не дало мне такого ёмкого ответа на мои вопросы как соционика...
Соционика - это молодая наука, изучающая процесс обмена информацией между человеком и внешним миром. То есть, каким образом люди воспринимают, перерабатывают и выдают информацию.
В достаточной степени изучив соционику, вы сможете всегда правильно подбирать свое окружение: с кем лучше работать, отдыхать и кого выбрать в качестве спутника жизни. Можно научиться корректировать свое поведение, не доводя общение до конфликта, если жизнь столкнула вас с неподходящим для вас человеком.
Соционика поможет вам лучше разобраться в себе и поможет найти свое место в обществе и в мире. Давно уже известно, что нет универсальных людей, способных реализовать себя в любом виде деятельности. А эта наука так же дает возможность подобрать наиболее подходящий лично для вас род занятий.
Соционика поможет вам лучше понимать возможности и способности других людей, что можно требовать от человека и что от него следует ожидать.
Я была приятно удивлена, когда заметила, что соционика содержит в себе наиболее нужные аспекты для определения того, кто ты на самом деле есть и наиболее чётко их формулирует.
Не буду нагружать своё выступление научными терминами, а попытаюсь рассказать о наиболее интересном.
Интересным фактом для меня стало то, что мужчина имеет один единственный психотип, то есть одну общую систему поведения. Женщина же может выступать в одной ситуации как женщина, а в другой, как человек. А поэтому предугадать поведение слабого пола несколько сложнее. И в большинстве случаев, не справляясь с этим, мужчины предпочитают называть это "женской логикой".
Забавным открытием для меня явилось и то, что психотипы назыаны как научным образом, так и неформально. Именами авторов известных произведений, именами геровев этих произведений и различных выдающихися исторических личностей. Например: Штирлиц, Гюго, Гамлет, Есенин, Наполеон и другие. Эти названия как нельзя полно отражают сущность каждого из психотипов.
Надеюсь, что моё выступление было для вас хоть немного интересным и познавательным. И в заключение хочу добавить: сказать, что наука помогает в общении, значит ничего не скзаать. И не исключено, что среди вас найдутся люди, которых интересует тема взаимоотношений между людьми. Но невозможно выстроить отношения по определённой схеме! Точнее возможно, при наличии огромной силы воли и бесконечной работы над собой и своими чувствами. Но нужно ли?! Ведь не перестают ли родные люди быть по настоящему близкими, если вы неискренни с ними, а ваши отношения строятся не на эмоциях и чувствах, а просто по правилам и нормам, которые вам продиктовала наука? Искренне советую вам знать всё это и иметь к сведению, но ни в коем случае не злоупотреблять!
Соционика - это молодая наука, изучающая процесс обмена информацией между человеком и внешним миром. То есть, каким образом люди воспринимают, перерабатывают и выдают информацию.
В достаточной степени изучив соционику, вы сможете всегда правильно подбирать свое окружение: с кем лучше работать, отдыхать и кого выбрать в качестве спутника жизни. Можно научиться корректировать свое поведение, не доводя общение до конфликта, если жизнь столкнула вас с неподходящим для вас человеком.
Соционика поможет вам лучше разобраться в себе и поможет найти свое место в обществе и в мире. Давно уже известно, что нет универсальных людей, способных реализовать себя в любом виде деятельности. А эта наука так же дает возможность подобрать наиболее подходящий лично для вас род занятий.
Соционика поможет вам лучше понимать возможности и способности других людей, что можно требовать от человека и что от него следует ожидать.
Я была приятно удивлена, когда заметила, что соционика содержит в себе наиболее нужные аспекты для определения того, кто ты на самом деле есть и наиболее чётко их формулирует.
Не буду нагружать своё выступление научными терминами, а попытаюсь рассказать о наиболее интересном.
Интересным фактом для меня стало то, что мужчина имеет один единственный психотип, то есть одну общую систему поведения. Женщина же может выступать в одной ситуации как женщина, а в другой, как человек. А поэтому предугадать поведение слабого пола несколько сложнее. И в большинстве случаев, не справляясь с этим, мужчины предпочитают называть это "женской логикой".
Забавным открытием для меня явилось и то, что психотипы назыаны как научным образом, так и неформально. Именами авторов известных произведений, именами геровев этих произведений и различных выдающихися исторических личностей. Например: Штирлиц, Гюго, Гамлет, Есенин, Наполеон и другие. Эти названия как нельзя полно отражают сущность каждого из психотипов.
Надеюсь, что моё выступление было для вас хоть немного интересным и познавательным. И в заключение хочу добавить: сказать, что наука помогает в общении, значит ничего не скзаать. И не исключено, что среди вас найдутся люди, которых интересует тема взаимоотношений между людьми. Но невозможно выстроить отношения по определённой схеме! Точнее возможно, при наличии огромной силы воли и бесконечной работы над собой и своими чувствами. Но нужно ли?! Ведь не перестают ли родные люди быть по настоящему близкими, если вы неискренни с ними, а ваши отношения строятся не на эмоциях и чувствах, а просто по правилам и нормам, которые вам продиктовала наука? Искренне советую вам знать всё это и иметь к сведению, но ни в коем случае не злоупотреблять!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Letter.
Dear John,
I am writing to tell you, that I would like to accept the offer of a room. But would you mind telling me some details.
What kind of room do you offer, is it a double or a single room? I would prefer to live in double one. Then I am wondering about the extent of comfort in hotel you promote. Hoping, that it is a five-star hotel, because such venerable, respected and important artist should spend their invaluable time especially in that ones. Could you tell me please, will I have an opportunity to practice in my room even in nighttime. I am sure that I am the best and even I am a God of vocal art, but there is no limit to perfection and I should improve my skills as often as it is possible.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
I am writing to tell you, that I would like to accept the offer of a room. But would you mind telling me some details.
What kind of room do you offer, is it a double or a single room? I would prefer to live in double one. Then I am wondering about the extent of comfort in hotel you promote. Hoping, that it is a five-star hotel, because such venerable, respected and important artist should spend their invaluable time especially in that ones. Could you tell me please, will I have an opportunity to practice in my room even in nighttime. I am sure that I am the best and even I am a God of vocal art, but there is no limit to perfection and I should improve my skills as often as it is possible.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hello, Lizzy
Today I had been reading some articles about a racism. And I am writing to you to complain about what a horrible time had to overcome our previous generations. That was really interesting to learn more about some historical events somehow connected to racism, because it is important and widespread social problem nowadays too.
For example one really touching story was about Japanese-American Internment Camps. Which is narrating that Japanese were put in these camps, not because they had been tried and found guilty of something, but because either they or their parents or ancestors were from Japan and, as such, they were deemed a "threat" to national security. People were forced to leave their homes, people they love, abandon their businesses and survive for years in places not deputed to living, with no conditions at all.
I am really impressed and full of energy and disaffection to tell you that I am against manipulations like this. I am not supporting neither racism nor nazism. In my opinion all nations and races have the right to exist. We all are different, so we should be interested in each other or even though be patient and tolerant according to other cultures and customs. Human potential does not depend on the skin colour, so everyone has an opportunity to develop and to be a part of modern society, if it was not possible in the past.
I am looking foward to hearing from you soon. Share me your thoughts on this topic.
Pakk Valeria
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Many people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a course of university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work.
I can partly agree with both views, but also I suppose that higher education is not a guarantee of getting a good job. And we can see a lot of examples and confirmations of that in real life. To become a specialist in some wide industry it is much more effective to have a basic knowledge at the beginning, improve it from time to time and fix them practicing.
In my opinion, some of us, if it is possible, should try home-schooling system with individual teacher, because according to statistics home schooled students are about two-grade years ahead of their neighbours in government school. Then, I think that every person should have right to choose timetable and curriculum they want to study or work. And every country should give us a possibility to study and work in rhythm, timetable, periodicity we want. And after that we will work with pleasure and smile on our faces not with a disgust and objection like almost all workers do nowadays.
To sum up I have to say, that both views have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, we have to choose on our own what do suit us best.
I can partly agree with both views, but also I suppose that higher education is not a guarantee of getting a good job. And we can see a lot of examples and confirmations of that in real life. To become a specialist in some wide industry it is much more effective to have a basic knowledge at the beginning, improve it from time to time and fix them practicing.
In my opinion, some of us, if it is possible, should try home-schooling system with individual teacher, because according to statistics home schooled students are about two-grade years ahead of their neighbours in government school. Then, I think that every person should have right to choose timetable and curriculum they want to study or work. And every country should give us a possibility to study and work in rhythm, timetable, periodicity we want. And after that we will work with pleasure and smile on our faces not with a disgust and objection like almost all workers do nowadays.
To sum up I have to say, that both views have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, we have to choose on our own what do suit us best.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The letter of application.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the position of the translator which I saw advertised in Daily news. One of my reasons for applying is my concernment in foreign languages. I would like to become a linguist so it could be much easier to work after practicing and proving my language skills as a translator.
I am 16 years old and I am from quite small Baltic country Estonia. And I live in Tallinn, which is beautiful, historical capital of this country.
At present I am a student at faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication.
I have a reasonable command of English, Russian, French and Estonian languages.
I have a good knowledge of computers, but I regret I had no experience of translating some persons orally, only in written form.
For the last years I have been studying and having a dancing trainings. So I have a good experience of communicating with people of other countries, because of having dancing competitions in foreign countries.
Now a little bit about my character. I feel I would be suitable for this job, because I am sociable, positive person and I like to work with interesting people, I am also curious and I always like to learn something new.
I would be able to attend an interview from 15 September from 17,00 till 21,00 o'clock. I hope you consider my application.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria
I would like to apply for the position of the translator which I saw advertised in Daily news. One of my reasons for applying is my concernment in foreign languages. I would like to become a linguist so it could be much easier to work after practicing and proving my language skills as a translator.
I am 16 years old and I am from quite small Baltic country Estonia. And I live in Tallinn, which is beautiful, historical capital of this country.
At present I am a student at faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication.
I have a reasonable command of English, Russian, French and Estonian languages.
I have a good knowledge of computers, but I regret I had no experience of translating some persons orally, only in written form.
For the last years I have been studying and having a dancing trainings. So I have a good experience of communicating with people of other countries, because of having dancing competitions in foreign countries.
Now a little bit about my character. I feel I would be suitable for this job, because I am sociable, positive person and I like to work with interesting people, I am also curious and I always like to learn something new.
I would be able to attend an interview from 15 September from 17,00 till 21,00 o'clock. I hope you consider my application.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Estonian Education.
Nowadays, a lot of Estonian students want to continue their education abroad and complain about the system of education in our country, but I will try to prove, that studying in Estonia has its own advantages.
At first, a little bit of history. The first primer in the Estonian language was published in 1575. The oldest university is the University of Tartu which was established by the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf in 1632. In 1919, university courses were first taught in the Estonian language.
For the second, accustomed form of education in Estonia is subject-centered curriculum and only a few educational institutions have a student-centered one. The education system is based on four levels which include the pre-school, basic, secondary and higher education.
In my personal subjective opinion I consider the subject-centered form of education as more effective. But being a pretty lazy I would prefer a student-centered one, because you always have a right to study what you are interested in. The subject-centered form gives you no choice what to study, but gives you a basic knowledge in every kind of science, so your mind will not be limited. Eventually, if you develop your personality you could compare your knowledge with the big, strong, branchy tree with a strong roots, which is impossible to neither flex nor brake.
I absolutely approve getting higher education abroad, but I also suppose that we should come back to our beautiful, small and proud country to make it step-by-step better and richer not with money, but with interesting and aware people of all ages.
We all could not to like and criticize everything about Estonian education, but the progress and improvement of it in future is in our hands.
At first, a little bit of history. The first primer in the Estonian language was published in 1575. The oldest university is the University of Tartu which was established by the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf in 1632. In 1919, university courses were first taught in the Estonian language.
For the second, accustomed form of education in Estonia is subject-centered curriculum and only a few educational institutions have a student-centered one. The education system is based on four levels which include the pre-school, basic, secondary and higher education.
In my personal subjective opinion I consider the subject-centered form of education as more effective. But being a pretty lazy I would prefer a student-centered one, because you always have a right to study what you are interested in. The subject-centered form gives you no choice what to study, but gives you a basic knowledge in every kind of science, so your mind will not be limited. Eventually, if you develop your personality you could compare your knowledge with the big, strong, branchy tree with a strong roots, which is impossible to neither flex nor brake.
I absolutely approve getting higher education abroad, but I also suppose that we should come back to our beautiful, small and proud country to make it step-by-step better and richer not with money, but with interesting and aware people of all ages.
We all could not to like and criticize everything about Estonian education, but the progress and improvement of it in future is in our hands.
Homework 07/09/11
page 11 ex 8.
1. - c
2. - e
3. - f
4. - a
5. - d
6. - b
page 10 ex 2a.
1. Do you live, live, are looking for
2. do you get on, tells
3. Does anyone annoy, always takes
4. do you go out, go out, I'm studying, go out only
5. Do you like, gets
1. - c
2. - e
3. - f
4. - a
5. - d
6. - b
page 10 ex 2a.
1. Do you live, live, are looking for
2. do you get on, tells
3. Does anyone annoy, always takes
4. do you go out, go out, I'm studying, go out only
5. Do you like, gets
Monday, May 9, 2011
The letter of complaint.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about the mp4 player which I bought from Sony electronics store on 1 April 2011 for 280.50$. I enclose copies of the receipt and guarantee.
In your guarantee, you claim that this player can be used during a year without breakage and any other problems. I have been using it carefully for a month. I read and followed all the instructions which were put in a package.
I can also say that the product has a poor quality. The headphones stopped working normally after a couple of days. However, I continued using this player with my old ones. As you can remember the player has 8 GB of memory, so I started to use it as a flash card. I moved all my files from my personal computer to memory of this player. And the worst of all, I do not know why, but all my files were somehow removed out of this memory. So I have lost the hole files and documents that I needed for my work.
When I took the mp4 player back to the shop, not only did manager refuse to refund my money, but he was also really impolite discussing the problem with me. He argued as if it was my fault that the player had broken.
I would like you to compensate the damage as soon as possible. If I do not get the satisfactory reply I would have to take a further action and get in touch with my local consumer protection office in order to ask for advice.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The only way to cut crime in our country is to make punishment more severe.
I decided to discourse a little bit on theme are the current punishments in our county fair enough to all citizens. The issue has never been easy to resolve, but I would like to try share some of my views with the others.
I suppose, that it is extremely unjust to let some rapists or murders out of the prison after a couple of years. But you can never be sure about the motive of any criminal act you watched on TV or heard by radio, cause you have never been a part of it. You cannot find out every possible detail of this crime. And I guess you do not even interested in it. You are pretty indifferent to fate of others. Have you ever tried to imagine yourself on a place of some assassin or murder, or may be just a pickpocket. The point is that the most of judges and public prosecutors do not regard the circumstance of humans lifes and often make the mistakes in considering is that a willful murder or it was just an accident or there might be some serious reason for the offense. In this instance they often make wrong decisions about the punishments. Have it to be more serve or not depends only on personal conditions. And it of course demands rigorous hearing.
All people who are somehow connected with justice and law should always pass for the consequences of theese persons lifes who they are sorting out.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to ask you for more information about your travel agency's offer of a deep-sea diving tour in the Indian Ocean. I am very interested in holiday, but I would like to know some details.
My first question is about accommodation. I am not really demanding about conditions, but I wonder some clarifications. I would prefer to stay in simple, ordinary hotel without any excesses, because I am traveling to India not to stay there, but to enjoy the depth of cultural development of this country and, of course, to explore the and magnificent abyss of mysterious Indian Ocean.
It also does not matter to me what kind of room would you provide to me single or a double one. I am not against of new meeting and even living with some interesting persons who are visiting India with the same or similar purposes as I am.
I would be grateful if you could inform me about the exact prices of that pleasant journey and additionally about the diving equipment.
I am traveling to India for the first time, so I would like to know more about the insurance, can I be sure about it's safety?
Like in every southern country India is abounding different foreign vegetation and dangerous animals and insects, could you advice me something to keep my health under the control.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Why do I like travelling?
Travelling. What an amazing thing it is. The best way to study geography, historic cultures, foreign languages, interesting pesons, flora and fauna, ancient arcitecture (the list can go on and on...) or just to enjoy pictureque viwes and places.
I totally misunderstand persons who are used to sit at home and avoid all that pleasant opportunities. I can also disagree with those who would like only to sunbath and swim on the beach instead of going to the center and discovering the new things which surround us everywhere, every other step in foreign land.
Of course travelling suggest some difficulties, but in my modest opinion these difficulties are quite acceptable and sometimes even enjoyable. Don not you feel satisfied of your journey if you came through some awful complications or problems, or even saved you companions from them. It always tempers your mind and helps you in the future life.
Personally, I would prefer to travel with comfort but in spite of that I just love breathtaking adventures. (Thanks for my romantic age.) It helps you to forget the reality for some time do not think about annoying daily routine what is used to follow us every other day. That is why I like travelling.
And to finish my little narrative, I wish you to have an unforgettable travelling as soon as it is possible, and if you will not make it that is your misfortune.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Should cloning be banned?
Cloning is a process which needs really careful treatment. If it is real soon, it could bring a lot of unnecessary and even dangerous consequences. But also, I am sure, it will become very useful in the future. So... should it be banned?
I suppose that cloning could make the lifes of people who have some scary illnesses. We could change our old or sick organs to healthy ones. And tell me, which of you, in your early childhood, have never wished you could have a clone of yourself to do homework while you hit the skate park or went out with your friends. Cloning could save a lot of our time and strength. But in the other hand if our clons are soon avalible to use people will become much lasier and less active. People will be taught only to consume and take, but not to give away. And it could happen that the clones become better than originals. The amount of work we give might improve them to perfect. That was only my imagination, but situation like this seems realistic to me.
To sum up I have to say that despite all the disadventages of cloning it is useful enough not to be banned.
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