Many people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a course of university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work.
I can partly agree with both views, but also I suppose that higher education is not a guarantee of getting a good job. And we can see a lot of examples and confirmations of that in real life. To become a specialist in some wide industry it is much more effective to have a basic knowledge at the beginning, improve it from time to time and fix them practicing.
In my opinion, some of us, if it is possible, should try home-schooling system with individual teacher, because according to statistics home schooled students are about two-grade years ahead of their neighbours in government school. Then, I think that every person should have right to choose timetable and curriculum they want to study or work. And every country should give us a possibility to study and work in rhythm, timetable, periodicity we want. And after that we will work with pleasure and smile on our faces not with a disgust and objection like almost all workers do nowadays.
To sum up I have to say, that both views have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, we have to choose on our own what do suit us best.
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