Monday, October 15, 2012


The aim of my report is to analyze the results of the survey, which was carried out among students of Aru Secondary school. The survey shows what kind of book do pupils of these school prefer. According to results it should be decided what kind and what amount of books school has to acquire.

At first, the most popular genres among female students are romantic and historical novels. Majority chose romantic novels as their favorite genre and historical novels are a little less popular. They were chosen by 28% of respondent girls. 21% of female students are interested in reading thrillers. And, unfortunately, the least popular is poetry. Only 17% consider it as a favorite genre.

However, the survey shows that male and female students interests are different. The most popular genre among boys is thriller. This is shown by the fact that 51% chose it as their favorite. Historical novels are also popular almost as popular as among girls. Boys are much less interested in romantic novels than girls are. About 11% questioned boys prefer it. And the least popular such as among female students is poetry. Only 9% of boys are interested in reading it.

To sum up, I would say that a popular genre of literature among all the Aru Secondary school students is historical novel. Based on the survey I would basically recommend to purchase mostly historical novels and thrillers, but still not to ignore other genres, survey shows that some students are still interested in them too.

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