Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Minu elukohas on head tingimused vaba aega veetmiseks.

Selleks, et olla lõbus, terve ja elurõõmus igaühel peab olema koht kus saab oma vaba aega veeta. Minu elukohas on selleks palju võimalusi, aga minu arvates, võiks olla veel rohkem.
Kuna mina elan vanalinnast mitte nii kaugel, ma alati saan jalutada oma sõpradega kitsate tänavate mööda ja nautida värsket õhku ja keskaegset atmosfääri, mis seal alati peremehetseb. Ma elan ka lauluväljakust ja Piritalt lähedal, seal saab rõõmu tundma isegi meeldivast vaadest merele ja lindudele, mis elutsevad kallastikul. Kuid jalutamine ja vaatlemine ei ole ainuke asi millega siin tegeleda võib. Siin on olemas ka spordihallid, basseinid, bowlingid, piljardid, mõtlen, et igaüks leiab minu elukohas endale midagi huvitavat. Arvan aga, et siin on vähe taimestiku, kui seda oleks rohkem, siis oleks palju meeldivam õues oma aega veeta.
Enamik tallinnlastest ütleb, et linnaosa kus ma elan on morn ja ilutu, kuid mina kindlusega ütlen, et see on meeldiv ja siin on palju tingimusi oma vaba aega veetmiseks. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Society today is noisier that ever.

Modern world is full of different, various noises. Motors, aircraft, railway stations, animals, displeasing human, music playing in bar. Anything can create it. Nowadays people practically do not hear silence at all, that is the problem because noise pollution affects both humans heath and behavior.
Furthermore unexpected sounds can damage psychological health and hearing abilities, to cause annoyance and aggression. To compare with previous generations, which did not catch these crazy amount of technologies we are much more subjected to depression, we are much more aggressive and offensive, noise influences blood pressure, it increases making us act like that. 
I could say that government should make something to reduce this amount of noise pollution, but everyone knows that government has a lot of other different things to take care of. Curfews are in the past, no one would listen and obey these kind of rule or law, because today's people are much less disciplined.
In my opinion the problem is in us. We do not respect each other shouting and speaking loudly wherever we want. We can not declare of those benefits that our technological world gives, but respect each other is in our power. If people were more well-wishing towards each other, there would not happen neighbors problems and any others too. If we save our world from arguments, I am sure that we will make it much more quieter.