Sunday, December 16, 2012

p. 63 (ex. 4,5,6,7)

Ex. 4. 1) F; 2) T; 3) F; 4) T; 5) F; 6) F; 7) T;

Ex. 5. 1) boisterous; 2) catchy; 3) susceptible; 4) baffling; 5) distinct; 6) involuntary; 7) hereditary; 8) excessive; 9) rowdy; 10) pointless;

Ex. 6. 1) f; 2) a; 3) d; 4) b; 5) c; 6) e;

Ex. 7. 1) put up with; 2) set off; 3) take on; 4) mix up; 5) showing off; 6) getting rid of;

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Do our children need to learn more languages in the future?

     Learning languages is very popular among youth. We study them hard in different reasons. Some of us plan to go live abroad, some are going to connect his life with tourism, some want to get aсquainted with with different cultures using foreign language. But will it be necessary in the future or not? 
     We know a lot of facts about a globalization and one of these is that amount of languages is slowly declining. Some competent people claim that a lot of languages would disappear in following hundred years so we would not going to need to learn a lot languages to communicate with people form other nationalities, to understand and to be understood. But as I have already said our children might be interested in exploring some cultures like some of us are. In this case, some historical documentation might exist only in some foreign language. In my opinion, history is very important for future generations, because they have to take a mistakes of earlier generations into consideration.       
     To conclude, I would like to say that an ordinary person in future will not need to learn as many languages as we are trying to learn nowadays, but may be for some of our children it will be interesting and useful, because learning languages is a good exercise for brains and certainly not less developing than mathematical logical tasks.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Graafiku analüüs.

     AS Fondes Konsultatsioonid püüdsid välja selgitada milline on inimeste suhtumine oma töösse. Uuringu korraldati nii Eestis, kui Soomes, et võrrelda ja saavutada objektiivsemat tulemust. 

     Uuringu käigus selgus, et tegurid, mis kujundavad inimeste suhtumist töösse on üsna arvukad ja täiesti erinevad aga ettaarvatavad. Mõlemad soomlased ja eestlased peavad kõige tähtsamaks suhteid töökaaslastega, keskmiselt 20% küsitletud töötajatest arvavad nii. Ühine arvamus on soomlastel ja eestlastel ka ülemustega suhete puhul. 17% mõtlevad, et see on tähtis. 
     Ülejäänud tegurid eristuvad. Auahsete eestlaste jaoks on kõige tähtsamad tunnustus, töötasu ja suhted töökaaslastega. Soomlased aga arvavad, et töö vastutusrikkus, saavutused ja suhted töökaaslastega on palju olulisemad. Kõige vähem küsitletud eestlastest peavad karjääri tähtsaks teguriks, soomlaste arvates on aga see töötasu. 

     Arvan, et iga inimese motivatsiooni tõstmiseks peab olema isiklik, individuaalne juurdeminek, kuid see ei ole tavaliselt võimalik. Ütlen lihtsalt, et iga hästi tehtud töö eest peab olema sama hea autasu. Vaatamata inimeste individuaalsetele omadustele uuring näitas kõige tähtsamat, et inimestele oleks mõnusam ja mugavam tööd teha, peab olema sõbralik õhkkond ja meeldivad suhted  kollektiivis.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Valel on lühikesed jalad.

     Meid lapsepõlvest õpetatakse, et valetada ei ole hea asi. Aga kõik meie teame ka seda, et kui kindlalt me  valet ei peida, see ikka tuleb kunagi välja.
     Keelatud vili on magus, seepärast paljud meist vaatamata vanemate ja lähedaste hoiatustele jätkavad valetada ja seetõttu saavad endale edasi probleeme. Valetamine ei mõjuta isikut soodsalt. Kui inimesed, mis ümbritsevad valekotti järsku mõistavad milline inimene nende lähedal on, nad lõpetavad usaldada ja teatavad teisi ette, et nad oleksid ettevaatlikumad selle inimesega. Seepärast öeldakse, et aus nimi on enam kui raha.
    Tänapäevases elus on raske inimestele usaldada ja enamus on lihtsalt harjunud valetada. Valetada endale või teistele, või kasutada hädavalet. Vaidlused teemal kas on valetamine humaanne tegevus või mitte ei ole üldse haruldased. Arvan, et juhtuvad elus situatsioonid, kus vale on hädavajalik. Aga enne rääkimist, üheksa korda mõõda, üks kord lõika, selleks, et pärast, kui see vale avanuks saab ei oleks sul mingit haletsust.
     Aga minu arvates oma lähedaste suhtes on valetamine jube ja aupakkumatu tegevus, vähemalt sellepärast, et silm on hinge peegel, ja armsad inimesed tihti tunnevad sinu valet pilgu kaudu.
     Arvan, et raske valetamisest loobuda isegi kui seda hirmsasti tahad, aga julge pealehakkamine on pool võitu.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The world could be a better place if we were all vegetarians

     I partly agree with this statement, even if I can not consider myself a vegetarian. And there are a lot of arguments both for and against this interesting opinion.
     I am sure, that there could be much less animal violence in the world if everyone would keep a vegetarians' diet, but every human needs nutritious and valuable food to stay healthy. I can not agree with people who say that we could get all the nutrients from vegetables, may be the most, but certainly not all of them.
     However, the major of vegetarians claims are connected with cruel and consumer attitude to animals. they believe that we live in a modern world with a lot of facilities and we do not need to treat to our smaller brothers inhuman. In my opinion. vegetarianism and humane behavior towards animals are not connected. I suppose, that it is fair to grow animals for food, bot only widespread and numerous animals. Definitely not those, which are on the verge of distinction. From ancient times people needed to slaughter animals to survive, but thereat they could not realize how much harmful is it for animals population. Now we can, and furthermore we can compensate it.
     It is really important not to make animals a part of fashion and style, not to seek for an opportunity to show your exclusivity by eating uncommon dish made of rare animal or fish, not to wear animals' fur to show off then both animals and human beings will live in harmony together.

Monday, November 19, 2012

We should only buy food which is produced locally.

          I partly agree with this statement. There are too many reasons to eat locally produced food to stay indifferent.
          Of course when we eat the food which was produced in our county we can be more confident about the food value and freshness of this, but still how can we be absolutely sure?
I may seem a little bit selfish and uninterested in ecological problems in modern world, but the most important thing about it for me is the taste. I would prefer to eat delicious food which is brought from abroad, but to keep a various diet. I suppose that I'd better not abuse this kind of philosophy, but I can not deny myself a pleasure to eat what I want. But I am absolutely sure, that it is possible to combine this position with a minimum harm to our nature.
          The food which could be grown in your own country should not be brought from abroad. It is useless, is not it? We save money buying locally produced food, we give stay more healthy and seem not to treat so cold to ecological problems, keep eating anything we want!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The letter to a politician.

Dear Sir/Madam,

     I am writing to inform you that on Saturday 22 February is going to be organised a demonstration on favor of a new community center. This initiative is developed to encourage people to leave their homes and spend their leisure time actively.

In my opinion the opening of this kind of center is extremely useful for our small town. Here we could make some educational events, creative exhibitions of growing talents or some social discussions on different themes. Though our town is not so large, people should know that we have some smart talented persons to be proud of too. Also we want make people of our town move forward and discover new interesting things.

We would like to invite you to join and support us in this demonstration. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Valeria Pakk

Monday, October 15, 2012


The aim of my report is to analyze the results of the survey, which was carried out among students of Aru Secondary school. The survey shows what kind of book do pupils of these school prefer. According to results it should be decided what kind and what amount of books school has to acquire.

At first, the most popular genres among female students are romantic and historical novels. Majority chose romantic novels as their favorite genre and historical novels are a little less popular. They were chosen by 28% of respondent girls. 21% of female students are interested in reading thrillers. And, unfortunately, the least popular is poetry. Only 17% consider it as a favorite genre.

However, the survey shows that male and female students interests are different. The most popular genre among boys is thriller. This is shown by the fact that 51% chose it as their favorite. Historical novels are also popular almost as popular as among girls. Boys are much less interested in romantic novels than girls are. About 11% questioned boys prefer it. And the least popular such as among female students is poetry. Only 9% of boys are interested in reading it.

To sum up, I would say that a popular genre of literature among all the Aru Secondary school students is historical novel. Based on the survey I would basically recommend to purchase mostly historical novels and thrillers, but still not to ignore other genres, survey shows that some students are still interested in them too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sophie Milman.

I would like to talk about Sophie Milman. She is an extremely talented young jazz vocalist that conquers hearts of  fans by her mesmerizing, gentle voice and various repertoire.

I suppose that she earns such success not only because of her amazing vocal abilities, she is also interesting as a person. I would say that she is not famous like for example Christina Aguilera or Mariah Carey and she does not have so many awards as they do, but she still has something to teach and not only as a professional.

Her family was forced to move a lot for some reason. Sophie was born in Ufa, but at the age of 6 she had to come through serious culture chock after immigration to Israel. She became successful there, but soon she had to immigrate again. This time into Canada. I admire this person, because she is never scared to start over and over again. Her biography and creation taught me not to be afraid of changes and try to overcome everything that life offers with maximum benefits for myself. She is also important for me because I have been studying vocal for two years and she is an idol for me not only as a person, but as a musician too.

To conclude I would say that Sophie Milman is a strong and talented woman that deserves respect of her audience and acceptance that she earned.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Et normaalselt elada, tuleb võtta pangast laenu.

Ma ei ole selle väitega üldse nõus. Vastupidi, arvan, et laenuta elamine on palju mõnusam ja rahulikum. Kui sinu raha kuulub ainult sinule ja sinu perekonnale elu muutub malju lihtsamaks ja sundimatuks.
Isiklikult minu arvates ainult pangast ja võlast vaba elu võib olla tõesti meeldiv. Kuid sinu niisugune vabadus sõltub sinu palgast ja eelkõige sinu haridusest. Mõned inimesed ei teeni palju ja nad saavad lubada endale mõningaid väikesi liialdusi ainult laenute kaudu. Loomulikult ma saan nendest aru. Ei saa loobuda igast elu lõbust, kui sul praegu raha ei ole. Aga inimestele, kes täna elavad üle mõned raskused ma soovitaks leida endas oskust rõõmustada väikeste asjade pärast, see on tasuta ja kasvatab teil kõlblust ja häid, suurt hinge. Arvan ka, et peale laenu võtmist tuleb hästi kõik läbi mõelda. Sa pead ette arvestama sellega, kui palju aastat sa oma laenu tagasi annad. Elu on muutlik ja äraarvamatu, mõnikord inimestega juhtuvad hädad ja pärast nende sugulased annavad neid laenu pangale tagasi. See ju ei ole õiglane. Mõtlen, et keegi ei taha oma lähedast tülitada ja ülekoormata.
Küsimus on selles, kas sa oled nii vastutusvõtlik, et saad oma laenutega hakkama või ei ole.

Monday, September 17, 2012

One day my family decided to move to another town. I was really excited about that. New place, new people that is what I needed that moment. With no doubts I can call myself a self-confident girl, that is why I was pretty sure that I will not have problems with striking up a relations with my new classmates. The first day was so common that will not even describe this. Everyone was friendly and and helpful and I exchanged phone numbers and other contact information with a lot of people this day.
When I came home I felt tired, but satisfied with overpast day and started chatting with my new acquaintances. Suddenly, some handsome guy posted me a message not so unusual, but certainly not just polite.
N: ''Where do you live?''
Me: ''Opposite Matthews house. You?''
N: ''Opposite Matthews house.''
Me: ''No way! You are a liar.''
N: ''Wow, that’s heartless, calling me a liar.''
Me: ''Oh, I have a heart. I’m not sure about you though.''
N: '''BRB.''
Two minutes later, my on-door speakerphone rings, and it is him telling me to go outside. I can see him walking up to me. Then he stops near me and pulls out a stethoscope. He puts the earpieces on me and points the listening part to his heart to let me listen to his heartbeats. I listen for a couple of seconds.
N: ''Can you hear it? Do you still think I’m heartless?''
Now we are 18 months together. Studying in the same university and planning our future together. After a while he confessed that he is so glad that his family kept the stethoscope in the car.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The goals of my life.

It is not so easy for me to talk about the purposes of my life, because I am a fickle person and today my opinion may be different from tomorrow one. But anyway I can still try to formulate the main goals.

At first, I want to get at least one humanitarian high education and after that I would like to find an interesting suitable work that just matches special features of mine. Personally I do not want to be famous I just want to figure out who I am and do what I like best and what comes out easily and pleasantly.
Further, I want to bring something into our world. Cause I know that I am not genius and I will not be a an inventor of some useful things and will not develope theories and establish equations such as Albert Einstein. But I guess I can still bring valuable use.
And the last, but not the least thing that I want to be part of is a happy family. I may seem quite idealistic, but I would like respect, understanding and honesty to reign among all the family members.

My findings must be predictable, but that is what I am, and that is what I want. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Arranged marriages. (p. 9 ex. 7)

My attitude to that kind of relationship is quite ambiguous. I am not completely for either against that. I suppose that it depends on persons beliefs and opinions the moment they decide to strike up an arranged relationship or marriage. It often depends on experiences or may be frustrating relations in the past.
At first, I want to mention advantages. If you choose your partner only using your mind, he or she is more likely to be reliable. It is very important especially if you are working together. The second thing is that it is much easier for couple like that to solve their problems. They are not driven by a strong emotions, they always can keep their head cool and get as much benifits as they can from the situation happened.
But unfortunately, when your marriage is arranged, you are certainly deprived that special moments that happen only between loving couple. That all-the-time thinking about your partner, that feelings overfilling your heart and soul. But sometimes relations based on emotions hurt too much. 

So that is for you to decide what kind of sacrifice you want to make material or an emotional one.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Burglar sleeps on a job.

When it's nap time, probably it's a good idea to sleep in your own bed.
Tom Fisherman learned that lesson the hard way when he was arrested and accused of breaking into a house and taking drugs.
28-year-old New York native broke the rear window of an apartment on Red Avenue and entered the residence.The person who actually sleeps in the apartment legally came home and saw Fisherman sleeping in one of the rooms. Instead of waking the intruder, the unidentified homeowner called police to give Fisherman a wake up call.
Nothing says rise and shine like the bark of a police!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Memorable place.

The place I am writing about is pretty common. No one ever pampered me with exciting trips in my life, maybe that is why I appreciate every single sally even within my own small northern country. And I still think that even here we have some interesting places to visit.

So the area I want to describe is peninsula, that is situated about 30 km from Tallinn and it is called Suurupi.
I got there accidentally, but at first sight it impressed me with its picturesque views and magnificent aura. I think I could spend hours enjoying the vivid view from the cliff following gentle splashes of water and inhaling the freshest sea air. There are a lot of pebble, stones and boulders on the shore where I like to walk. I always jump from one stone onto another feeling free and happy. One more pleasant advantage of this place is a complete privacy, you do not have to worry about intrusive people around, but if you find some locals they are always polite and hospitable. But my the most favorite part of the day is evening. The sunset you can watch from the crag is unforgettable. Just imagine sitting on the edge of the crag, the variety of rocks you can see from your position the serenity  that fills you and, of course, the multicolored sunset, that scatters its fascinating gleam everywhere. 
It is an ideal place to visit after a laborious busy week in a city center. They way you feel after these solitude residence, freed from stress, pacified, relaxed will help you to be ready to difficulties of speedy city life. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Heategevus on jõukohane rikkatele inimestele ja arenenud riikidele.

Ütlen kindlalt, et ma pole üldse selle väitega nõus. Minu arvamesest, heategevus on mitte ainult rikka inimese, vaid isegi rohkem vaese, või kunagi vaese inimese asi.
Jõukas inimene, kes pole üldse vaesust tundnud mitte kunagi ei saa kesisest aru, ta võib ainult hea tuju mõjustusel mingi ebavajalik asi teistele ära anda. Ainult see isik, kes teab milliseid pingutusi ja kui palju tahtejõudu nõuab vilets selleks, et ennast midagi kujutada, kui palju raskusi ootab teda teel rikkuseni, see kes käis läbi rasket tööd ja pettumust, ainult see inimene saab siiralt, õilsade eesmärgitega ära anda.
Pole ka tähtis mis riik see on, kas arenenud või mitte, kõik sõltub konkreetsest inimesest või rahvuse mentaliteedist. Arvan, et igas riigis on olemas teadvusega inimesi, kes tunnevad vastutust teiste inimeste, või loomade, või isegi looduse eest ja on alati abivalmis. Need inimesed rajavad organisatsioone ja loovad kaitseprojekte, mis on alati kasulikud, mis meelestavad ka teisi kodanike eeskuju võtta.
Kokkuvõteks võin kahtluseta öelda, et heategevus on igaühele jõukohane. Pole üldse tähtis kas see on väike annetus, või globaalne abi. Isegi väike igapäevane heategu peab olema igaühe kohustus, mis teeb tulevikus nii teid, kui ka inimesi ja maailma teie ümber palju paremaks.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Essay | Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful pupose.

Nowadays chatrooms are very popular among youth. Even without noticing it we spend a lot of precious time discussing something totally useless. Could each of us boast, that he or she uses chatrooms only for necessity?

To start with I want to say that chats were created to make an exchange of information more comfortable, to use it for specific, concrete point. And by the way I think that it is a very useful invention if you can manage it cleverly. But young people turned it into something where they can spend their leisure time.
In my opinion chatroom brings more harm than good. Of course you can cheerfully spend your time there talking to your friends, but nothing supersedes live communication. Just imagine how many useful things could you do instead of staring into screen of your computer or mobile or how many real people you could meet and become acquainted with.
On the other hand there are a lot of situations when it is hard, uncomfortable or expensive to keep in touch with someone dear who is studying, working or having a rest abroad. These moments chatrooms are indispensable helpers.

All in all, we often lie ourselves that we do everything we want in time, but in fact we always complain about lack of time and opportunities. I would like to advice you not to spend your spare time so silly and to use chatrooms only by perforce.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Nimed marmortahvlil"

Film "Nimed Marmortahvlil" on loodud Albert Kivikase raamatu järgi, mis jutustab meile Eesti Vabadussõja ajast. Selle tegelased on noored, kommertskooli õpilased, vabatahtlikus sõdurid. Film kirjeldab nende julgeid lahinguid, nende võidusid ja lüüasaamisi ja üldse nende meeleolusid sõja jooksul. Film näitab väga hästi kuidas sõda teeb poisist, kes on harjunud oma vanemate peale lootma vapra mehe ja sõduri, kes ei sõltu kellelgist vaimselt ja loodab ainult enda peale. On nii kahju vaadata kuidas sõda murdab imimesi. Kõik me saame aru, et mitte iga täiskasvanud inimene saab niisuguse ollukorraga hakkama, aga noorele kes pole veel lõppuni vaimuliselt arenenud on veel õudsem seda läbi elada.
Tahaks eraldi rääkida peategelasest. Sõjasündmuste kõrval keskendub film peategelase Henn Ahase tundmustele ja siseheitlustele. Ahas on tavalisest, vaesest maaperest pärit. Ja Vabadussõda teeb temal kahestamist. Ühest küljest on ta eesti rahvuslane, teisest küljest sotsialist. Talle toeks olev vend on punakaartlane ja isa kommunismimeelne. Raske olukord riigis on vastandanud raskele olukorrale selles peres. Rahumeelses olukorras me ei saagi ette kujutada kui raske on elada peres, mille liikmetel on täiesti erinevad eluvaated, silmaring, ideoloogia, veenmised, ebajumalad. Ja hoolimata sellest nad suudavad perekonnaks jääda, aga igaüks jääb ka isikuks, kes saab veel heasse usuda ja on valmis kõigile vaatamata võidelda oma keelituste eest.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The book review.

I would like to share my feelings about the Theodore Dreiser's book, Sister Carrie. This story is about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her dreams. The plot of the story centers on describing evolution and degradation of humans soul and personality.

Dissatisfied with her life young 18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago. where her older sister Minnie, and her husband Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in. On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman, who is attracted to her because of her simple beauty and unspoiled manner. They exchanged their contacts and after a few weeks Carrie complains Drouet about the poor conditions and negative atmosphere in her relatives house. Salesman saves her from this hell and from a hard work, which is really backbreaking for her.
By the time Drouet introduces Carrie to George Hurstwood, the manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's – a respectable bar that Drouet describes as a "swell place". After that acquaintance her life changes dramatically...

I thoughtfully enjoyed this work. I admire main heroine for her courage and willpower, her positive attitude to a ruthless world around her no matter what happens, her wish to move along resist everything that life offers her, her desire to try something new. I really like how author makes antagonists resist each other, although trying to find similarity in their characters. I am really impressed by this novel and I can't say a word of criticism about it.

All in all, I recommend everyone to read this book, even if you are not a fan of this author, because it describes vital situations, which could meet us in our own lifes. It may help you to live through some crisis and realize that everything in your own hands.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Tänapaevases täiesti hullu tempoga elus stress - on see, mis mõjutab meid iga päev. Stress on inimese organismi vastus vaevanõudvale või ähvardavale situatsioonile. Kõige sagedamini stress ootab just meid, õpilasi ja üliõpilasi. Koolis õppides te saaksite tihti kuulda kaebusi pea- ja kõhuvalude, higipeopesade peale. See juhtub kui pead mõned eksamid sooritada või lihtasalt ei oleme mõneks tööks valmis, võivad ilmuda ka isiklikud probleemid sõpradega või sugulastega. Kõik see takistab keskendumist.
Aga mitte kõik õpilased tunnevad suurt ülekoormust või stressi. Minul ei vedanud, seepärast olen üks liiga närvilistest. Ja tahaksin teiega jagama kuidas mina ise stressiga toime tulen.
Kõigepealt räägin natuke sellest, mis stressi tekitab. Selle vältides te saate ennast paremini tunda. Siin on mõned nõuanned.
Tee võimalikult ainult seda milles sa kindel oled. Õpi lükata ettepanekuid, millega sa ei saa hakkama. Tee endale vahetunde, jaluta natuke või maga, käi trenni, kuula natuke lemmikmuusikat. Proovi toituda paremini, väldi suitsetamist ja alkoholi tarbimist. Räägi oma sõbrale või vanematele oma mõttetest ja hirmudest. Ja kindlasti püüa teha üks kõik millised absurdsed stressisituatsioonid naeruks. Naer vähendab stressi.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to reduce stress? | Letter for principal

Dear Sir,

I am writing to tell you about the things, that I had figure out studying in your school. Everyone knows, that schooling is really difficult process and all the pupils often feel stress. Some of them feel it from time to time, some get read of eat only after leaving the school.(Especially primary school students who are not used to cope with that.)
And now I am going to share my opinion about how to reduce stress.
First of all I would say that we need a little bit more time for the rest and of course the place where we can fully relax not to stay in that noisy, narrow corridor which is always full of children. Some of us have an extra lessons or even some hobbies or work too and it is usually necessary to have a look through your homework to feel more ready. Secondly, I would like our teacher inform us better what is going to be in our test works, because you really feel more confident when you know exactly what kind of exercises you have to cope with not waste the time learning needless facts.
And additionally I think that teachers have to be more understanding, because sharing your thoughts, fears and problems with him or her helps to reduce stress and to be afraid of nothing.
I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Hope that you will agree and help me to make some of this suggestions real.

Yours faithfully,
Pakk Valeria

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Essay | Intelligence or abilities?

Some people believe that intelligence has more to do with a person's potential than with their abilities.
I slightly agree with this statement. Intelligence is knowledge, experience, enterprise. Like three in one. And this three aspects are the components of success. And if you include efficiency and self-confidence it could be really the greatest combination.

But I have to say something in favor of abilities and talents. There is a tiny amount of people who have an amazing talents and all evidence to achieve their purposes. But the most of this not so numerous group of people get there results easily and just become smug and presumptuous. It is a serious problem, because that is why they become narrow minded, they will not move themselves and their business along.

So, no matter what, we definitely have to add a lot of hard work. This main component is extremely important. Without it neither intelligence nor abilities will realize your potential. And in contradistinction to intelligence and abilities only the hard work can make not really intelligent and not really talented person successful and only this person will truly worth it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Funny Job.

One day homeless actor is visiting the zoo hoping to earn some money as a street performer. Whereas he starts to draw attention of a crowd, a zoo keeper calls him into his office. The zoo keeper explains to the actor that the zoo's most popular animal, an orangutan, has died unexpectedly and the keeper is scared that interest of visitors at the zoo will decrease.

He offers the actor a job to dress up as the monkey until they can get another one. He agrees.

So the next day the actor wearing the orangutan suit enters the cage before the visitors come. He found out that it is a funny job, he liked it a lot. He could have a rest anytime he wants, play and make fun of people and he attracted bigger crowds than the zoo ever did. However, sooner or later the people tire of him and he tires of just hanging on tires. Eventually, he begins to figure out that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the other cage. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he piles in to the top of his cage, climbed over a baffle, and hangs down from the top to the lion's cage. As a result, this makes the lion angry, but the public loves it.

In the evening the zoo keeper comes and gives the actor a raise for being so willing. Well, this goes on for some time, the actor goes on annoying the lion, the audience grow larger, and his wages keeps growing too. Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion he falls. The actor is frightened.

The lion gathers itself and prepares to attack. The actor is so terrified that he begins to run round and round with the chasing lion behind. Finally, the actor starts shouting and screaming, "Help me, help me!", but the lion is cunning and quick. Therefore the actor soon is flat on his back looking up at the angry lion who says, "Keep your mouth closed, idiot! Do you want to get us both shut?"